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Running for Union Office

Interested in becoming an SFA officer or building representative?  Here's how:

SFA elections take place in May, with our election day occurring on the day of the district's school budget vote.  The nomination and election process is managed by the Nominations Committee, currently chaired by Doreen Stoecker.

Building representatives and delegates to NYSUT and AFT are elected annually. Officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) are elected for two-year terms, on even years.

Annual Timeline of Election Events:

  • March – A list of positions up for election goes out to the membership at building meetings and by email.

  • April – Petitions for union office are shared with the membership. In order to appear on the ballot, candidates need to collect signatures from at least ten-percent of the membership. For building level positions, the requirement is ten-percent of the membership within the building. For district level positions, the requirement is ten-percent of the association’s membership.

  • 10 Days before the Annual Meeting (May) – Completed petitions are due. Petitions can be submitted to any member of the nominations committee.

  • 10 Days before the Annual Meeting (May) – At the close of business on this day, the Nominations Committee chair will announce the slate of candidates for each position. This will be done by email and posted on the website.

  • Day of the Annual Meeting (May) – The Nominations Committee chair presents the slate of candidates to the membership. If anyone wishes to be added to the ballot, our Constitution allows for a floor vote, so long as the equivalent of ten-percent of the membership is present and votes in favor of the addition.

  • Election Day – Nominations Committee members place ballots in mailboxes by the start of the school day, and members may cast a ballot during the school day. In order to count, ballots must be handed directly to a member of the Nominations Committee. Committee members tally ballots at the end of the day and share the results with the chair of the committee.

  • Day after Election Day – The Nominations Committee chair announces the results, by email and website. Newly elected union officials assume their roles immediately.

Elections: About
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